How to make a Pomegranate Juice Using a Juicer Machine

Pomegranates contain many seeds inside the fruit. To make pomegranate juice necessary techniques and special ways. Unlike other fruits such as stawberi or oranges, we just slice and put into a juice machine.When making pomegranate juice with a juicer electricity, be careful to separate and dispose of all the membranes around the arils. membrane tastes bitter and can clog and damage the electric juicer. Hand-juice is another method and can be easily achieved by cutting the pomegranate in half and juice as you would an orange.

Here's how to make pomegranate juice with juice maker:
Step 1:
Hold the pomegranate firmly on the cutting board, and, using a sharp knife, slice the end of the crown of the pomegranate. Place the tip of a knife on the bar pomegranate. Score the skin into the bottom of the stem to the crown in place. Decisive break sections apart with your hands quarter by following the score line.

Bend your back pomegranate skin every part to reveal the membrane. Discard skin. Use your finger to gently spoon into bowls aryl cluster of fresh water. All arils must be removed from the membrane before making juice. Use a knife to further help remove the arils from the membrane. Remove all membranes from the arils still attached. Continue to remove the arils from each section into a bowl. Drain water from the bowl using a strainer.

Step 3
Turn on the juice machine. Some machines come with attachments berry juice containing fruit and stopped from jumping out. Add arils into juicing machine according to your manufacturer's instructions.

Step 4
Push the food driving down to extract the juice from the arils. Seeds will throw through the fine mesh filter basket Juicer's. If you do not have a basket juicers-fine mesh filter, strain juice through a sieve, or cheesecloth lined strainer to remove seeds or pith that may have come through the juicer.
ReadmoreHow to make a Pomegranate Juice Using a Juicer Machine

Pomegranate Fruit Benefits to Your Health

The fruit is round almost as big as oranges. Hard-skinned, red, brown or slightly purple. Flesh is composed of red granules. Fresh sweet taste.

Pomegranate (punica granatum) is a plant fruits that come from Iran. But he has spread in the Mediterranean area. Recently also been easily found in Southeast Asia and southern China. This plant grows easily in almost any climate, but the spread in the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level. Although not so choose, but the pomegranate can be grown abundantly in the dry loose soil.

Known three kinds of pomegranates, namely white pomegranate, pomegranate pomegranate red and purple. However, the most well known as food and medicine is ruby ​​red. From the first, the pomegranate is already used as a confectionary that is sometimes processed into fresh drinks. Not infrequently processed into a cure for various diseases.

That said, all parts of the pomegranate plant can be used as a drug. Starting from the bark, root bark, fruit peels, leaves, seeds and flowers. To use the root bark, usually dried first. While processing the fruit skin can be directly used fresh or after drying.

Efficacy of pomegranate is indeed enormous. Rind is used for the treatment of abdominal pain due to intestinal worms, bowel movements containing blood and mucus (dysentery), chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids bleeding such as bleeding, vomiting blood, coughing blood, uterine bleeding, rectal bleeding, rectal prolapse, sore throat, sore ears, whitish (leukorea) and abdominal pain.

Skin the roots and bark are used for intestinal worms, especially tapeworms (taeniasis), cough, diarrhea. Flowers used to treat gingivitis, bleeding, bronchitis.

Well, flesh can also be used as a weight loss, intestinal worms, canker sores, sore throat, hoarseness, high blood pressure, frequent urination, rheumatism (arthritis), flatulence. Then the seeds can also be used as a fever-lowering drugs, cough, poisoning and intestinal worms.

Based on research, which many of its roots leather store alkaloid compounds, among others pelletierin. These compounds are useful for the treatment of intestinal worms. While the impact of fruit or seduhannya useful to stop diarrhea or dysentery. Then, the water decoction of the flowers can be an alternative reliever toothache.

Apart from alkaloids in the root bark, bark and fruit, contained substances tanner. This substance is believed to shrink pores, antiseptic and hemostatic good for white. Likewise, processed fruit juices pomegranate as proving the efficacy of the other.

Pomegranate juice is believed to ward off heart disease and shed the fat deposition. Experiments have been conducted on lab rats. In addition, pomegranates contain antioxidants that are unusually high. Therefore, it can also be used to fend off free radical attacks.

A glass of pomegranate juice contains citric acid, malic acid, glucose, fructose, maltose, vitamins A and C, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium and potassium) and tannins. Other uses, because the alkaloid content pelletierine highly toxic and causes paralysis tapeworms, roundworms and pinworms. The skin of fruit and bark is also a strong astringent that is used for the treatment of diarrhea.

Creating pomegranate juice is very easy. Living apart and take part beans wrapped in flesh webbed. Enter the fruit flesh and seeds into the juicer or a juice maker. After that filter and fresh pomegranate juice ready to drink. One medium pomegranate could produce half a glass of juice. (Various sources).

If you want to save the juice for long-term use, can be stored with a particular process. Way, dibeklukan juice and stored in an airtight container. Juice can be stored in the refrigerator and can last up to several weeks. (Various sources)

For body slimming

The slim and supple body every woman's dream. exercise and diet can help, but you also can take another path. Beat 4 pieces of white pomegranate was young until smooth. Mix one cup of boiled water. Strain and give a little salt. Prepare this mixture in the afternoon and drink in the morning. Do it twice a week.

For body slimming

Take 3 pieces of pomegranate that is still young, mash until smooth. Brewed with warm water, give a little salt, then filtered through a single glass.

Drink this mixture every morning for a week in a row. In this way the weight will come down and the body to be slim. Stop drinking this potion when your body is slim, so as not to become emaciated.
ReadmorePomegranate Fruit Benefits to Your Health

Pomegranate Fruit Helpful For Against HIV Infection

Pomegranate fruit is unique. When the fruit is shaped buni halved, seeds will be visible stack attached to each other. and where the flesh? Meat stick pomegranate seeds, resembling the membrane covering the seed, resembling the membrane covering the seed. Acids taste sweet, fresh on the tongue.

To get the fruit, whole grains should take dikulum. Just eat the fruit of passion fruit. The difference is usually ingested together with passion fruit seeds, pomegranate is not the case. Generally the seeds are not eaten because the hard part and if bitten create a new flavor that makes pomegranate flesh not as good and as fresh as the original.

Savor priceless
No one proverb says berakit-raft to swim upstream ketepian, be sick first, have fun later. If you want a little trouble eating a pomegranate, you will reap priceless rewards. Store pomegranate health giving properties, a gift that can not be assessed with the money.

Meat pomegranate efficacious as conditioning and can digumakan treat thrush, hoarseness, sore throat, intestinal worms, flatulence, rheumatism, frequent urination, high blood pressure, even lose weight. Pomegranate seeds are often discarded as well save the property, among others, can reduce fever and cure coughs.

Working block viruses
Apparently, the efficacy of pomegranate is not only hidden in fruit flesh and seeds. Numerous studies prove the bark, root bark, fruit peel, and pomegranate flowers are also potentially treat disease.

For example pomegranate flower, to treat gingivitis and bronchitis. So with the skin of fruit that the people of China called shi liu pi, is a natural remedy to overcome strep throat, ear inflammation, discharge and bleeding.

Examples of this pomegranate flower now menkadi attention of medical scientists because of the potential controlling the spread of infection in the body, including infection by the HIV virus causes AIDS.

So, still not interested in trying the pomegranate?

Traditional treatment with pomegranate

Frequent urination
Provide a ripe pomegranate is still fresh and then take the following contents seeds. Add a handful of chives that have been washed clean and cut as necessary. Boil ingredients with 3 cups water until the remaining half. After chilling filtered. Drink this mixture two times a day, each three-fourths cup.

Provide 30 grams of dried pomegranate skin and 15 grams of dried bitter herbs. Wash thoroughly, then boiled with 1 liter of water, until water is reduced to half. Once cool, strain the cooking water. Then divided into 3 parts to be drunk 3 times a day, morning, noon and night. This herb can also be used to wash the vagina.

A cough that has lasted a long time
Provide pomegranates are not too ripe. At night before bed junyah seeds until smooth, then remove and should not be swallowed.

Lose weight
Provide two young pomegranates. Take it, then mash until smooth. Add a half cup of cooking water and a little salt. Squeeze and wring it out thoroughly with a cloth. Drinking water as well. Do it every day until visible results.
ReadmorePomegranate Fruit Helpful For Against HIV Infection

One Million Benefit Pomegranate Fruit

Pomegranate is one ingredient that is often used on almost all skin care and beauty products. Once glance at the supermarket shelves, you'll easily find a set of body lotion, moisturizer, or body wash containing pomegranate.

Let's explore further the benefits of pomegranate juice for health. For lovers of pomegranate, you will be pleased to know that in liquid, pomegranate juice also provides various benefits.

According Carefair, if you need a large portion of the content of antioxidants, then pomegranate juice is the answer. This drink actually contains more antioxidants. In fact, the antioxidant content of pomegranate juice three times more than red wine or even green tea.

Pomegranates are rich in antioxidant polyphenols such as tannins and anthocyanins. Medical research has shown that patients who consume pomegranate juice every day can get many benefits, namely reduced cholesterol levels, acquiring more vitamin C, and increases blood flow to the heart. This means that pomegranate juice is also effective to keep the heart to stay healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

For drinks, pomegranate juice also can prevent and slow the effects of Alzheimer's disease, lowers blood pressure, keeping the arteries are not clogged by the buildup of plaque, preventing damage to cartilage, and maintain dental health. Let's consumption of pomegranate from now!
ReadmoreOne Million Benefit Pomegranate Fruit

Pomegranate Juice Healthbenefits

Pomegranate or ar-Rumman in Arabic is called three times in the Quran. It is among the trees in Paradise. Now pomegranates grown from as far as China until California. Among the advantages is that its internal structure. When the skin is shiny fruit peel, would seem a small bag bag juicy-fresh, sweet sour taste. In many cultures, the pomegranate symbolizes fertility and long life. The Chinese for example, presents at the marriage ceremony because he was considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and a great descent. In the days of Moses, the pomegranate has been cultivated in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon da. Rimmon, the ancient city of Hebron, said the city now famous for the production of diamond or Rumman, in his honor.
Plantation name Punica granatum pomegranate is derived from the French meaning kekata apple seeds. Pomegranate is believed to come from Iran, the ranges of the Himalayas and northern India. It was developed as a coastal cuisine and cultivated in the Mediterranean, adapted to the cold and hot temperatures. Pomegranate trees grow like bushes or trees 3-6 meters tall normal, or sometimes 9 meters. Usually the leaves fall, but some areas are, essentially constant fresh.
Its fruits began to decrease after age 15. However, a pomegranate tree lasts for 200 years. The flowers are purple, white or a mixture of dichromatic. It is used as a red dye that has been used for centuries in Central Asia. The leaves are shiny and a strong shield-shaped. Great color and interest recorded in the meaning the word of God Almighty. The advantage is that the composition of the pomegranate fruit is reinforced by a poultice of maintaining the quality of the fruit skin for up to six months. Pomegranates may be fruitful between one year and three years after planting. Far East market is the major destination of trade rubies. High nutritional value is rich in sodium, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin C, calcium and forsforus. It also sejenia bidder because of the high antioxidant content of heart disease, cancer and old fast. Dried pomegranate seeds are used for the native cuisine of North India. The seed is the substitution of raisins for baking ingredients.
In Greece and homeopathic medicine, pomegranate to treat diarrhea, ear pain, blurred vision, sore gums, and less primitive pengahadhaman. (From the book Plants Of The Quran by Dr MIH Farooqi)
ReadmorePomegranate Juice Healthbenefits